des beatha

Gold saucer bodyguard | vigilante | country girl


Name: Des Beatha
Race: Miqo'te, Keeper of the Moon
Gender: Female, she/her
Age: 23
Height: 5' 4"
Sexuality: Lesbian
Occupation: Gold Saucer, bodyguard
Server: Mateus


Day Job: Des is a familiar face at the Gold Saucer, posing as one of the many bunnies working for the floor. In reality, however, she's a bodyguard assigned to VIP guests. Perhaps you've seen her there? One of the high-class guests she's been assigned to? Or perhaps a troublemaker she's pinned?
Night Job: Stalking the back alleys and side streets of Ul'dah when the sun sets, a fully armed Des looks out for those who need it. Need an escort home? Want some help? Lost? Des will lend you a hand!
Gourmand: A lover of food and drink alike, Des will leap at the chance for a meal. She even brews her own cider, having learned from her mother and father. Able to drink even a Roe under the table, she's always willing and ready to drink or have a meal with even a stranger--and she's willing to buy.
Got Coin?: Because she'll be happy to take it! She's got mouths to feed, and she's always willing to take up an odd job or two, whether it be manual labor, mercenary work, or even an extra waitressing shift. That said, even if the coin is good, she does have a moral compass--and if a particularly reprehensible job is offered, she's just as like to start a fight as turn it down.




Luna Lowell
Primam Chorus
Aja Nanago
Forma Lagrance


The Wayfarer's Convent: Member and team mom.


♢ RP tag on means walkup friendly! Drop me a /tell, just to make sure I'll see you.
♢ No ERP. MRP is acceptable, but I'd prefer not to do anything overly dark, violent, or intense, unless I know you OoC very well.
♢Seeking long-term contacts, passing friends, and mortal enemies!


In Game: Des Beatha, Mateus server. RP tag = walkup friendly!
Discord: You can @ me in the Mateus server, or PM me (hellthing#0994).
If you PM me, introduce yourself, tell me about your character, and let me know what kind of thing you were thinking about doing. I'm easily distracted, so if it's been a few days without me responding, please feel free to poke me!